

Nowadays, students' part-time jobs are no longer a strange issue. The trend of students going to work part-time is increasing, even increasing rapidly. Many students go to school and work part-time to have money to cover living and studying. The word “part-time” or “part-time work” is gradually becoming familiar, it is deeply ingrained in the minds of many students even when they are still in school. Students make great efforts to constantly accumulate knowledge, experience, soft skills, life capital, in order to get a suitable job after graduation. However, students' decision to work part-time is not always reasonable because students do not really understand the factors affecting their decision to work part-time, which factors are important. . On the basis of data collected by online form of 500 students from departements at Hue College of Economics and using Binary Logistic model, the study was conducted to show the factors affecting the decision to go to work. more of students.  In addition to the income factor and the desire to have more life experience when working part-time, the results show that the awareness of the importance of part-time work also affects the students' decision to work part-time. Hue College of Economics. From there, the study proposes solutions and recommendations to help students make reasonable decisions when participating in their part-time activities.


How to Cite
Mai Thanh Văn, Nguyễn Việt Anh, & Hoàng Triệu Huy. (2022). Factors affecting the part-time job decision of students studying in Hue College of Economics. Journal of Economics &Amp; Management Science, (21). Retrieved from https://tapchi.hce.edu.vn/index.php/sjme/article/view/116
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