Abstract. This study employs the IPA (Importance - Performance Analysis) model of Martilla and James (1977) to evaluate the quality of education and training service in Quang Tri province based upon a survey of 220 alumni. The research results show that the human resource training institutions in Quang Tri province have strived to meet the demand of local labor market. However, many among the quality attributes that are associated with the training process such as professional skills, professional knowledge, industry knowledge, analytical skills and problem-handling skills still fell short of employers’ requirements.
Key words: Training service quality; IPA; Quang Tri
How to Cite
Phạm Phương Trung, Lê Tô Minh Tân, & Trương Chí Hiếu. (2021). ĐÁNH GIÁ CHẤT LƯỢNG ĐÀO TẠO CỦA CÁC CƠ SỞ ĐÀO TẠO NGUỒN NHÂN LỰC TỈNH QUẢNG TRỊ - ỨNG DỤNG MÔ HÌNH IPA. Journal of Economics &Amp; Management Science, (17), 35–52. Retrieved from https://tapchi.hce.edu.vn/index.php/sjme/article/view/32
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